Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time to Evolv

conversion ends!

4 Simple Steps to Becoming a Member

1.) Upgrade your account today!

2.) Reach out to your connections. Email, Call, Facebook, Tweet, Blog to all of your friends and followers about upgrading.

3.) Participate in the conference calls. Each one of our conference calls is jam-packed with information on getting started with Evolv and how to succeed with your new business.

4.) Learn how easy it is to Evolv. Learn about the Evolv Launch Plan and find out how to get a return on your investment in 30-90 days.

*Don't forget to use the Autoship option. If you sign up for Autoship, then you will receive 2 points and get one step closer to the "4 points in 7 days" bonus plan.

*Oh! And By the Way...We value you and want to recognize your efforts. As our thank-you to those of you who have joined the team as an Evolv Member and started with a Family Pak (4 Evolv Cases) or greater and registered for Autoship of 2 cases to be started next month, you will be automatically positioned at the SENIOR EXECUTIVE POSITION for the 1st 90 days. Read more about the "Oh! And By the Way" Promotion on our blog.

Also, be sure to check out our newest testimonial videos of Kathi Woolsey and Larry Seegar. We have also posted a downloadable pdf of the Evolv Compensation Plan brochure.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DR.ANNE on call the Evolvhealth call

Conference call Thursday with Dr. Anne Bodak Smith
*Plus 2 essential email tips

Thursday during our conference call, Dr. Anne Bodak Smith, Vice President of Sales from EvolvHealth will be joining us to share an important announcement for the upcoming launch of Evolv.During the call, we’ll also answer the most commonly asked questions: When you can officially register, lock in your spot and order product. It’s hard to believe, but that time is coming very quickly.


Email is how most people discover Evolv, so we want to help you find new members during the next several weeks using this sometimes overlooked but critically important method.

Tip #1: Use a commercial program. If you use Outlook to send an email about Evolv to everyone in your contact list, chances are you'll end up on a blacklist. Or the emails will end up in your recipients' spam folder. Instead, use a service like Vertical Response (which we use) or Constant Contact. These services are extremely affordable, are rich with tools and won't punsh you for sending an email to the 200-300 people in your contact list.

Tip #2: Write your email like a letter to your best friend. This may be counter-intuitive, but turn off the marketing speak and pretend you're writing a note to your brother or sister. Show your personality. Personable is always good, and we can see from our own data here that the more personable people always do well than the ones who use hard-sell tactics.

When: Thursday, September 24th, 2009: 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific

Conference Number: 712-338-8186 Login Code: 965055#

Monday, September 21, 2009

Evolvhealth contest

Think about it:

The wholesale case price of Evolv: $55.00

The price of a bottle in a case of Evolv: $2.30

Receiving a FREE case of Evolv: PRICELESS

Be the first to receive a case of Evolv...FREE

We are shipping a FREE case of Evolv to the Top 100 pre-enrollees who signup the most new pre-enrollees over the next week.


Starting @ 12:01 AM CST on Saturday, September 19th, 2009 and ending the following Sunday, September 27th, 2009 @ 11:59 PM CST.


Enroll as many people as you can within the promotional period.

If you are in the Top 100 you will receive a FREE case of Evolv and your name will be displayed on the Official Evolv Blog and The Official Evolv Facebook Group

Good Luck,

Your Evolv Corporate Team

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evolv Conference Call Reminder

NEW_Evolv blue logo.jpg

Evolv Conference Call Reminder

Special Guest: Kevin Kuykendall, CEO of Health2O, Manufacturer of Evolv

Kevin Kuykendall has worked with the Archaea formula for over a year and has many unique experiences and information on the product. He will be joining the call to discuss these experiences as well as the testing and relationship with M.D Anderson and FutureCeuticals, Inc.

Also on the call, learn about:

* Pre-Launch Kick-Off Information: When you can officially register, lock in your spot and order product.
* New videos announcement
* Compensation Plan Launch and Update

When: Thursday,, 2009: 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific

Conference Number: 712-338-8186 Login Code: 965055#

Best Regards,

Your Evolv Master Distributors

Friday, September 11, 2009

test EVOLV

MD Anderson Health Science Center in Houston, Texas has tested Evolv, “A Groundbreaking Product”, that is very beneficial to enhance health as shown below;

* Helps increase stamina and endurance

* Helps increase energy levels
* Helps enhance the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and other important nutrients
* Helps speed fatigue recovery
* Helps maintain healthy circulation
* Helps support immune system
* Helps restore mental alertness from fatigue or drowsiness
* Helps neutralize harmful toxins

Who Do You Know that may want to see if EVOLV may help?

The only place to get Evolv see my tweets

Remember: No cost for you to look, listen and do your own research on Evolv. You can walk away freely if you do not see any benefits to yourself or your families.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Evolv lady is on twitter

What the flip is Evolv? Evolv is a new life sciences company that has created a compelling product with research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Center in Houston. The company is launching its product via a direct sales model.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Archaea Active™ formula via EvOlvhEalth

The Evolv main product is a functional beverage that is a proprietary natural formula involved which results in the "production of cell signaling molecules that appear in very low concentrations"--increases oxygenation and decreases inflammation.

"What makes EvolvHealth unique is its Archaea Active™ formula, a combination of all-natural ingredients found in every bottle. These ingredients and our proprietary process have been in development for more than fifteen years. Our product has undergone rigorous testing with the University of TX MD Anderson in Houston and independent testing laboratory.


Evolv Conference Calls

If you consider becoming an Evolv Distributor or if you pre-enrolled already, consider joining Evolv Health Conference call. You will hear details about the Evolv Marketing Strategy, how to pre-build your Evolv Distributor Business.

Here is the conference call schedule:

Every Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00PM Eastern, 7:00PM Central, 6:00PM Mountain & 5:00 Pacific
Every Saturday at 11:00AM CT

Conference Number: 712-338-8186
Login Code: 965055# PreLaunch can be a great op ! Most of the time it is not.Waste of time in many many network marketing pre--launches/ Fact,great marketers will watch.
We like the Timing with EVOLV. Watch the video .

Finding a direct sales company in PreLaunch that is long term is a long shot.This looks like a good shot.
The people who know about THIS Prelaunch are the top marketrs who worked extremely hard to make it to the top of their companies. These top income earners have built a name for themselves in the direct sales industry so opportunities are constantly coming their way as with all successful people in business.

If I am presented with a PreLaunch opportunity what should I do?

Follow the systems that you will be taught and you'll do GREAT. You have absolutely nothing to lose with THIS PreLaunch since there is no money at stake.We love what the owner says on his video If you just put your head down and run with it, you can look up after it launches and decide whether or not you want to move ahead. Worst case scenario you're no worse off then you are right now. Best case scenario, your life could be changed forever and you will be positioned for incredible company success!

Here is your opportunity:
OUR TEAM would like to invite you to Pre-Enroll in our companies PreLaunch.

1. Pre-positioning in the network will be limited to the Pre-Enrollment period which will allow potential distributors to lock in their position in the company genealogy as part of the Founder Club.
2. “Pre-Launch” is planned for this fall and will extend into early next year. During Pre-Launch distributors will have a ground floor opportunity to begin taking delivery of product and begin building their business before the official Launch Event. Receiving product and generating commissions occur once we are in the Pre-Launch phase.

The Official Launch and Launch Events are planned for early 2010.We are involved with Evolv.Thanks Piyak

Evolv Health

New EVOLV health product launching in October.More than 15 years of scientific research and development have been invested into Evolv’s proprietary and all-natural Archaea ActiveTM formula. Evolv’s beverage combines the colorless and flavorless Archaea Active formula with natural spring water to combine the health benefits of hydration with increased stamina, energy and endurance. Additional benefits may include: •Helps increase stamina and endurance •Helps increase energy levels •Helps enhance the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and other important nutrients •Helps speed fatigue recovery •Helps maintain healthy circulation •Helps support immune system •Helps restore mental alertness from fatigue or drowsiness •Helps neutralize harmful toxins Evolv products are combined with its unique Archaea Active(MORE LATER ON THIS BLOG) proprietary technology and backed by studies and testimonials from world-renowned research centers and everyday people like you.

Monday, September 7, 2009


More than 15 years of scientific research and development have been invested in Evolv's proprietary Archaea ActiveTM formula. Our flagship product, the EvolvTM Nutraceutical Beverage, combines the Archaea Active formula with premium spring water, naturally enhancing cell performance and increasing stamina, energy and endurance.

Benefits of the Evolv Nutraceutical Beverage may include:

* Helps increase stamina and endurance
* Helps increase energy levels
* Helps enhance the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and other important nutrients
* Helps speed fatigue recovery
* Helps maintain healthy circulation
* Helps support immune system
* Helps restore mental alertness from fatigue or drowsiness
* Helps neutralize harmful toxins

Our active ingredient has been tested by the MD Anderson Cancer Center of the University of Texas. Evolv will be released in Fall 2009.Please watch Mr.White video.