Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evolv Conference Call Reminder

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Evolv Conference Call Reminder

Special Guest: Kevin Kuykendall, CEO of Health2O, Manufacturer of Evolv

Kevin Kuykendall has worked with the Archaea formula for over a year and has many unique experiences and information on the product. He will be joining the call to discuss these experiences as well as the testing and relationship with M.D Anderson and FutureCeuticals, Inc.

Also on the call, learn about:

* Pre-Launch Kick-Off Information: When you can officially register, lock in your spot and order product.
* New videos announcement
* Compensation Plan Launch and Update

When: Thursday,, 2009: 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific

Conference Number: 712-338-8186 Login Code: 965055#

Best Regards,

Your Evolv Master Distributors

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